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The Pointer System sets up event listeners on an HTML element supplied to it (normally the canvas of the game) and converts any events it recieves into JamJar ECS messages; whilst adding additional relevant information - such as world position and camera positions.


The Pointer System listens for four events:

  • pointermove - When the pointer moves.
  • pointerdown - When a pointer presses down (mouse click down, touch down).
  • pointerup - When a pointer is released (mouse click up, release touch).
  • wheel - When a mouse wheel is moved.

Using Pointer System Messages

Pointer System Setup

To set up a pointer system, you need the game canvas HTML and a message bus:

const canvas = document.getElementById("game-canvas") as HTMLCanvasElement;
const messageBus = new MessageBus();
new PointerSystem(messageBus, canvas);


A system can subscribe to pointer events through the message bus:

messageBus.Subscribe(this, "pointermove");
messageBus.Subscribe(this, "pointerdown");

Handling Messages

A system can handle pointer events once it is subscribed through the OnMessage function:

public OnMessage(message: IMessage): void {
    switch (message.type) {
        case "pointermove": {
            // pointer moved
        case "pointerdown": {
            // pointer down

Pointer Messages

Pointer messages contain a Pointer as a payload - this contains all the information about a pointer event. It contains a JavaScript PointerEvent, the position of the pointer event relative to the game canvas as elementPosition and a list of PointerCameraInfo containing pointer information relevant to each camera.
The PointerCameraInfo contains information such as the position of the pointer in the world according to the camera, the position of the pointer relative to the camera's viewport, and if the pointer is within a cameras bounds.

To retrieve this example, see the OnMessage implementation below:

public OnMessage(message: IMessage): void {
    switch (message.type) {
        case "pointermove": {
            // Get pointer
            const pointerMessage = message as Message<Pointer>;
            if (pointerMessage.payload === undefined) {
            const pointer = pointerMessage.payload;
            // Iterate through each camera associated and print the world position according to each camera
            for (let i = 0; i < pointer.cameraInfos.length; i++) {
                const cameraInfo = pointer.cameraInfos[i];

Wheel Messages

Wheel messages are treated differently than Pointer messages - there is no additional information calculated and included with the wheel data, instead the raw WheelEvent is provided as a payload.

To retrieve this example, see the OnMessage implementation below:

public OnMessage(message: IMessage): void {
    switch (message.type) {
        case "wheel": {
            const wheelEvent = message as Message<WheelEvent>;
            if (wheelEvent.payload === undefined) {
            if (wheelEvent.payload.deltaY > 0) {
            if (wheelEvent.payload.deltaY < 0) {