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The TextSystem allows rendering text - taking in text components and producing a list Renderable objects for a RenderSystem to use.

Peer dependencies

The TextSystem will only work in conjunction with some kind of rendering system, such as the WebGLSystem to actually render the elements; the TextSystem is a pre-rendering system.

Setting up the Text System

To set up a TextSystem, you simply need to provide a message bus.

new TextSystem(messageBus);

Loading a font

Before rendering text, a font must be loaded so it can be used. A font can be loaded by sending a load font message with a FontAsset payload containing the information about the font. Any font that has already been loaded by the browser can be loaded in, allowing use of external fonts by including it in CSS or in HTML, for example:

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">

This loads the VT323 font into the browser using HTML.

messageBus.Publish(Message.New<FontAsset>(FontAsset.MESSAGE_REQUEST_LOAD, new FontAsset(

This font load message will request that the VT323 font is loaded, with the following settings:

  • Font weight = normal
  • Font size = 100
  • Buffer = 0
  • Radius = 1
  • Cutoff = 1
  • Characters to load = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv

This will load the font with the settings above, loading only the characters provided, which will be generated into a texture available to the render system for rendering text. Any characters not specified in this will not be rendered. The font will be stored with the unique name example_font, allowing it to be referenced when creating Text components.

Creating an entity with text

Once a font has been loaded, text can be drawn by attaching a Text and a Transform component to the entity; the TextSystem will pick this up and process it before sending it to a RenderSystem.

const textEntity = new Entity(messageBus);
textEntity.Add(new Transform(Vector.New(0, 0), Vector.New(5,5)));
textEntity.Add(new Text(1, "hello world", "example_font", TextAlignment.Center, 2.5, new Color(0,1,0)));

This would create text "hello world" that is center aligned, using the font example_font, with spacing between each character of 2.5, and the text will be green.


See TextAlignment for alignment options.

World space text

If Text is added without a UI component, the text is rendered in world space. This means that the Transform is interpreted in the normal way, within the world. The Transform position determines the origin point for the text, and the text will be positioned differently depending on the TextAlignment. The scale determines how wide and tall each individual character is, not the entire word.

UI text

If Text is added with a UI component, the text is rendered camera space. This means that the Transform is interpreted to be relative to the camera that is being targeted. The Transform position determines the origin point for the text, and the text will be positioned differently depending on the TextAlignment. In camera space the position will be from -1 to 1, with 0,0 as the center of the camera, 1,1 being the top right, and -1,-1 being the bottom left. The scale determines how wide and tall each individual character is, not the entire word, and it is relative to the camera, with a scale of 1,1 being the entire camera viewport, and 0.5,0.5 being half of it's width and height.