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Primitives are renderable components which give greater control over the rendering process than a Sprite, can be used to directly render points, lines, and polygons.

The PrimitiveSystem allows rendering Primitive components - by tracking Primitive components and generating a list of IRenderable for render systems to use.

Setting up the Primitive System

To set up a PrimitiveSystem, you simply need to provide a message bus.

new PrimitiveSystem(messageBus);

Peer dependencies

The PrimitiveSystem will only work in conjunction with some kind of rendering system, such as the WebGLSystem to actually render the elements; the PrimitiveSystem is a pre-rendering system.

Creating an entity with a sprite

An Entity can be given a primitive by adding the Primitive component to an entity.

const primitiveEntity = new Entity(messageBus);
primitiveEntity.Add(new Transform(Vector.New(0, 0), Vector.New(5,5)));
primitiveEntity.Add(new Primitive(
    new Material(),
    new Polygon([
        Vector.New(0.5, -0.5),
        Vector.New(-0.5, -0.5),

This example shows creating an Entity which will use the Primitive component to render.

Z Order

Primitives contain a field zOrder, which determines the precendence with which primitives will appear on the screen. Objects with a higher z order will appear ahead of objects with a lower z order.

Example Z Order


Primitives specify the Material that should be applied when rendering it, allowing choice over texture, color, and shaders.

Draw Mode

Primitives contain the field [drawMode], which determines how the Primitive will be drawn - this is a choice of a [DrawMode]. This is the more direct control over rendering that the Primitive has over a Sprite.

Creating a UI primitive

A UI primitive can be created by adding a UI component to an entity, alongside required Transform and Primitive components.

const gameCamera = new Entity(messageBus);
gameCamera.Add(new Transform(Vector.New(0, 0), Vector.New(5, 5)));
gameCamera.Add(new Camera());

const uiElement = new Entity(messageBus);
uiElement.Add(new Transform(Vector.New(0, 0), Vector.New(0.2,0.2)));
uiElement.Add(new Primitive(
    new Material(),
    new Polygon([
        Vector.New(0.5, -0.5),
        Vector.New(-0.5, -0.5),
uiElement.Add(new UI(gameCamera));

This example shows creating a camera, and then a UI primitive that will display in the center of the camera.